April 23, 2017 10:30 AM EDT
- Sudbury, MA, US
- Auction Details
Spring Asian Fine Arts & Antiques Auction
587 lots
Asian Art & Antiques (540)
Inner Filter Options Fine Art (18)
Inner Filter Options Jewelry (9)
Inner Filter Options Furniture (8)
Inner Filter Options Decorative Art (6)
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Dorsey Potter Tyson (1)
He Jian (1)
Hufan Wu (1)
1: Pair of porcelain vases. China. 19th century Roleau shaped with Kuei dragon handles. Thunder meander border at the mouth with band of celadon. Underglaze blue moulded ju-i with bands of celadon, brown, turquoise and white. Central design of reserves of the Immortals on a crane and colored ground. 24-1/2".
3: Gilt bronze image of Amida Buddha. China. 18th/19th century. 6-1/2" high.
4: Bronze Buddha. China. Ming period (1368-1644). Seated figure of Amida. 13" h.
5: Jade carving. China. 19th century. Grey green stone. Carving of a small child. 2" l.
6: Porcelain vase. China. 20th century, Bottle form. Claire de Lune glaze. Ch'iene Lung mark. 12" high.
6B: Jade carving. China. 18th century. Black and white Jade. Pair of Chih Lung. 2-1/2" l.
6C: Jade carving. China. Probably Tang period. Brown stone carved as a mouse. Square hole for suspension. 2-1/4" l.
6E: Lot of two Jades. China. 18th century or earlier. A square plaque and a knot picker with a dragon. Largest- 2-1/4".
8: Jade carving. China. 19th century. White stone. Carving of Daruma playing ball with a Foo Dog. 2-3/4" x 2-1/4".
10: Jade Archers ring. China. 19th century. Grey stone. Surface carved with a monkey and a deer. 1" h. x 1-1/4" d.
11: Agate Archers ring. China. 19th century. Surface carved in low relief with a man and a boat. 1-1/2" d. x 1-1/4" h.